


The navigation area is divided up into two windows: A folder structure in the left and a detail view in the right window.

Folder structure

This is where you will find the folder structure defined by your administrator. If you participate in more than one project, you can expand or collapse a project structure with “+“ and “-“ next to the project name. If you click a folder a new tab in the detail pane with all files will appear. If you click a structural folder (folder without content), nothing new will appear in the detail view. This is just for better overview. If you right click a folder, you can add the whole content to the lightbox.

Detail view

The detail-view area on the right shows you files in several tabs. You can easily change between these tabs, move them or close them. If not all files in a folder fit in one page, you can navigate through the content pages with the arrows in the lower right corner. If you think there could be something new, reload the view with the reload button. Multiple selection with shift or ctrl button are possible as well.

Column headings

If you klick on the black down-arrow next to a column header, you can sort files ascending or descending according to the selected header. Additionalli you can select an deselect the colums that shall be shown. The width of a column can be freely varied.


You can start a file upload with the big „Upload“ button on the left below the folder structure. This button is active according to your permission in the active folder. When clicked you see an input form with the following fields:

A click on „Choose files“ opens your operating systems file dialog box. Multiple selections ar possible. As an information you can also see the fil size limit and a list of allowed files.

„Save an close windows“ starts the upload - the progress is indicated next to the filneme - please do not interrupt this action an do not close your browser windows for a successful upload! After a successful upload the dialog box is closed automatically.

Your files will be shown in the selected folder, your upload will be recorded.


Above the column headings there are action buttons, which can vary depending on file status, lock, permission, etc. (most of them are also reachable over the context menu):

All file operations will be recorded with username and timestamp.

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